Thursday, April 7, 2016

What makes a good logo !

1. Simple
2. Memorable
3. Timeless
4. Versatile
5. Relevant

This logo shows great kerning as well as being versatile with its colors, still complementing themselves. Its also simple letting you know its a team and where they're from.

This logo is a great one, it's very relevant because it's seen everywhere yet memorable. Super simple and straight to the point.

This logo is very clever and simple, it's honestly timeless. Versatile in having a double meaning.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Visual Hierarchy

This is a good example of visual hierarchy because it sends the message as well as showing the product off.
This example shows visual hierarchy by putting some letters in bold font and others in italics which catches the eye of the reader.
This example shows visual hierarchy by having only the important words in bold as apposed to the other words which are regular sized.